Taylormade Sleep

What Is Taylormade Sleep

Taylormade Sleep Is Telehealth Sleep Clinic.
We are located in Arizona, but not limited to a geographic radius.
We literally evaluate, diagnose, and treat patients all from the comfort of their homes Nationwide.

Why I Started Taylormade Sleep

I felt the process of having a sleep study was just too difficult and expensive.
Patients literally are inconvenienced at every turn and are left with typically one treatment option.
I started Taylormade to offer a much simpler solution to being tested and also offer alternative treatments based on a patient diagnosis.
Patients deserve better service, and we are committed to giving them just that.

What We Offer

Taylormade Sleep offers free no obligation evaluations.
We allow patients to spend 30 minutes with our specialist free of charge at your convenience in order to educate and assist you in their journey to attaining better sleep.
Education should not come with a cost, we are always happy to assist those that simply just want to know why they are suffering from daytime fatigue.

Why Gateway

Gateway supplied my company with internet, cleaning, and front desk assistance.
They offered me the stability and flexibility needed to just get my name out there when I was starting out.
Having a space in a professional setting along with signage and easy accessibility for my patients has given my company more validation.
We have been able to grow at a consistent level by being here and the staff goes above and beyond for its tenants.

Robert Taylor, CEO
Taylormade Sleep Services And Consulting
4140 East Baseline Rd Suite 101- Mesa, AZ 85206
Ph: 480-524-8418
Fax: 480-210-7692
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